Indefinite Delivery Contracts

Frequently, the government can specify accurately what it intends to purchase but cannot define the delivery dates or the quantities. There are three types of these contract vehicles guided by Federal Acquisition Regulation 16.5: definite-quantity contracts, requirements contracts, and indefinite-quantity contracts. They are used when the buying agency cannot determine a specified minimum, or the … Read more

Contract Types Part 1 – Firm Fixed Price and Cost Reimbursement

There are many contract types and many paths to being a successful vendor. Today we will discuss the top contract types. Contract types are prescribed by Federal Acquisition Regulation or FAR Part 16, aptly titled Contract Types. The selection of a contract type requires negotiation and the exercise of good judgment. A contracting officer generally … Read more

New Year Resolutions for Government Contractors

MT PTAC Missoula  During the winter in Montana, business owners often take time to develop a plan for the coming year. Consider these resolutions as you strategize and grow your government sales plan for the New Year. Create or enhance your company’s Capability Statement. This important tool for communicating your core competencies is a great … Read more

Top Tips for Small Business Subcontracting

Your company may perform many commercial contracts that involve collaborating or subcontracting with another company. However, for your government contracts, the rules may be different. Once you enter the government marketplace, getting the job done may take some new strategies. What is subcontracting? When we hear the term “subcontract” or “subcontractor,” most of us think … Read more