Long-Time Contractor Witnesses Many Changes

Settle Contracting, Inc., located in Kalispell, is a general contracting firm that performs: site-work; road, bridge and dam construction; water and sewer line construction and subdivision maintenance. In addition to owning and managing the contracting firm, President Steve Settle is a wild land firefighter. A PTAC client since 1998, Steve has worked frequently with Doug Bolender, the government contracting advisor in Kalispell. Doug has helped Steve obtain HUBzone certification and register his vast array of heavy equipment for fire fighting seasons. In addition to assisting Steve with numerous fire contracts, Doug has advised Steve on construction bids for the Forest Service. Throughout the years, Steve has witnessed many changes in government contracting, as he acknowledges in the following correspondence:  

Dear Doug,

I recently returned from a fire assignment with our dozer and wanted to drop you a note
to once again say much thanks for your continued assistance for the past 13 or 14 years in
securing the contracts with the USFS.

Over the past few years, the government’s method of advertising for contracts has changed
so radically that we and most other small contractors would not begin to be able to keep
up with the requirements. Your service is truly appreciated, as it is a full-time project to
keep abreast of the constantly changing government procedures related to trying to do
business with the government.

Thanks again for all your assistance.


Steven Settle, President
Settle Contracting Inc.