“Start Small, Think Big”

“Start small. Think big.” That’s the advice PTAC advisors often give companies interested in government contracting. Successfully performing on small government contracts can pave the way for winning larger contracts down the road. Canyon Electric, a Billings company, is off to a great start. The company recently secured a $25,000 project at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Livestock and Range Research Laboratory in Miles City. Winning the contract involved meeting a short deadline to register in the System for Award Management (SAM). An active registration in the database is a requirement for anyone who wants to do business with the federal government. Fortunately, a contracting officer referred Greg Miller, Canyon Electric’s owner, to the Billing PTAC for assistance. Billings PTAC advisors Deanna Langman and Kathy Moody-Lund promptly scheduled Greg for an appointment and helped him complete the registration, just in time to meet various deadlines. Greg submitted his bid and, a few days later, he was notified that Canyon Electric was the successful bidder. In addition to assisting Greg with SAM, Deanna worked with him on developing a focused government marketing strategy for Canyon Electric. “Strategic marketing is a vital tool for pursuing and winning government contracts,” Deanna points out.

Officially registered and more knowledgeable about the government marketplace, Canyon Electric is on the road to competing for more – and – bigger opportunities in the future.