New WOSB/EDWOSB Certification Application: Changes, Challenges, and Tips

As of July 15th 2020 the SBA’s portal has been opened to allow WOSBs and EDWOSBs to submit documentation to be reviewed by SBA to become certified as a WOSB or EDWOSB business allowing those businesses to be eligible for set-asides.  Prior to July 15th the options for certification were to be “self-certified” or to have an SBA approved 3rd party certify a business as WOSB or EDWOSB.  See below for a quick high level overview of the program.


  • Self-certification is no longer allowed and will not be accepted as of October 15th.
  • SBA will formally certify a business for the WOSB/EDWOSB program at no cost
  • SBA will still accept 3rd party certifications from an SBA approved 3rd To see the approved list: CLICK HERE.
  • SBA will accept 8a certified businesses and VA CVE (Center for Verification and Evaluation) as WOSB/EDWOSB. The business must upload appropriate documentation to SBA.
  • The website for WOSB/EDWOSB certification is:
  • For businesses new to WOSB/EDWOSB, you will need to certify at the above stated link.
  • For businesses that were previously self-certified, 3rd party certified, or certified as WOSB/EDWOSB through the 8a program will need to upload their documentation to the new site by October 15th.


  • There were a number of issues/glitches with the website which made it difficult to enter certain pieces of information.
  • Many of those issues have since been resolved so if a business started an application but could not finish, they should be able to finish and submit their application now.


  • Have all of your documentation ready to go prior to starting the application. DOCUMENT CHECKLIST
  • If applying for EDWOSB, fill out a personal financial statement ahead of time, this will help make answering the personal financial questions easier. CLICK HERE to find an SBA form. (Note: this form does not need to be uploaded)
  • Call a PTAC advisor to help you!