Hamilton PTAC Helps Local Vet – Veterinarian That Is …

You probably know that Montana PTAC helps military veterans. But did you know that PTACs help other “vets” as well? Veterinary clinics are among the diverse array of businesses served by Montana PTAC. Many federal agencies, including the Forest Service, contract with local veterinarians to provide medical care for their animals. Such is the case in Hamilton where Government Contracting Advisor John Schneeberger recently assisted Tammany Veterinary Hospital with the required System for Award Management (SAM) registration.

To successfully submit a registration, the clinic first needed a name correction at Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). D&B assigns Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) numbers, which are required for SAM registration. Any discrepancies in the information on file at D&B can create long delays in activating a SAM registration and negatively impact a potential contract award. Tammany Veterinary Clinic needed an active SAM registration within just eight days, a very tight timeline. Fortunately, John was able to contact D&B and quickly resolve the problem regarding the clinic’s name. Just three days later, the Hamilton PTAC received the following correspondence from the Forest Service purchasing agent/contracting officer:

“You won’t believe it! They are already active in SAM!!! Isn’t that unbelievable and wonderful!!! Dr. Gleason was very impressed by your skills.”… Thanks so much.”

Tammany Veterinary was awarded a contract with Forest Service the last week in April.