New Year Resolutions for Government Contractors

MT PTAC Missoula 

During the winter in Montana, business owners often take time to develop a plan for the coming year. Consider these resolutions as you strategize and grow your government sales plan for the New Year.

Create or enhance your company’s Capability Statement. This important tool for communicating your core competencies is a great way to introduce your product or services to government decision makers. A one-page snapshot of your business tells the story of your company and highlights your past performance. For capability statement resources and for tips on how to craft a capability statement check out Gloria Larkin’s article at

Learn something new. Adaptability is key to success in as a contractor. Recently, moved to Opportunities. Take some time to explore the new format and filters. is the name of the new, modernized system. Even though it says “Beta”, it is currently authoritative for Assistance Listings. Wage Determinations, and Contract Opportunities. Find helpful videos on GSA’s YouTube Channel.  Your Montana PTAC advisor can tell you how to tap into other online learning opportunities such as the webinars at

Plan for change. Are your small business certifications in compliance? Do you know when your SAM registration, or small business certification, such as HUBZone or SDVOSB will expire? If you plan to make any material changes in your company’s corporate structure, ownership percentages, or location in the coming year check with your Montana PTAC counselor, first. Major business changes may impact your government contract compliance. We can advise you on the steps and requirements to help you plan for changes in your business. 

Get organized. Do you have five years’ worth of SAM printouts and old agreements piled up around your office? Are your passwords written on a million sticky notes? Take some time organize paper and electronic files. There is no magic bullet on choosing how to organize files—the structure will depend on your business. It is a good idea to use categories to structure your filing systems.

Some category/subcategory ideas are: 

  • Administration: Finance, Human Resources, Corporate Documents
  • Clients: Projects, Correspondence, Schedules, Deliverables

Whether you use electronic or paper files, sort files first by subject or category and then by date. Once you create logical groups and have things grouped by date, you can easily archive the oldest items. This is a good time to prepare some folders for the upcoming year so you stay organized during your busy season. After your office is neat, compile all your passwords in one place, such as dedicated notebook or use an online password manager. There are great resources and tips for staying organized at

Small steps in planning keep small businesses competitive in the government marketplace. Check in with your local advisor to see how MT PTAC can help you stay on track in 2020.