“This is Why I Love What I Do”

The phrase “job satisfaction” has a different meaning for different people. For Government Contracting Advisor Carol Cunningham of Ronan, “job satisfaction” is the ability to see the positive impact her work has on others. An email that she and Kathy Moody-Lund, a PTAC advisor in Billings, recently received prompted Carol to say, “This is why I love what I do.” Below are excerpts from that email.

Carol and Kathy: Today I received my Certification from the VA as a Service-Disabled-Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) . . .   I am energized. . . . . it was exactly 48 years ago, Jan. 29, ’67 Vietnam time, that I was shot just west of Hoi An. . . . So it is indeed ironic and fitting that I get my SDVOSB Certification on the anniversary of my “disability.”

. . . . I want to do some good things with my Certification for as long as I am able. Over the longer term, I plan to focus on PTSD and long-term veteran care (nursing homes), but in the short term, I will work with my various product lines and partners to get things rolling. . . . at times it seemed like I was never going to get approved, even though it seemed so obvious. But now it feels like a giant weight has been lifted from my back . . . So many of you have been unselfish with your time and ideas over the past six months, and I so appreciate your encouragement and support. Thanks so much for helping me. Ron McAdams